The President’s Home Restoration Initiative
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A Campaign for Coker University President’s Home
Coker University President’s Home has long been a place of gathering for families, community leaders, teachers, and students. From the early days of the Coker family to University Presidents, generations of memories fill the halls of the beautiful brick building. Although it has served as the primary residence for the University President since the 1960s, Presidents like Dr. James Daniels shared the home with the campus and greater Hartsville communities.
For the past few years, the house has fallen into disrepair – so much so that the current President, Dr. Natalie Harder, can not reside and host events in this historic building. Our goal, along with the Coker Family, is to return this home to its place of centrality in the life of the University and Hartsville.
We look to revive some of those memories of past events this holiday season. Many of which you participated in. Imagine a restored home where current Coker students will gather, discover a community where they grow together, and have the needed conversations to change the world around us all.
Purchase an ornament to decorate the President’s Christmas Tree to honor your own memories in this house. The ornaments will hang on the tree for generations to come, symbolizing this home’s relevance in continuing the growth of Coker students and their college journey.
There are three levels to choose from with your donation of an ornament in support of this initiative.
Partner – $25, Receive a Davidson Hall ornament to hang on the President’s Tree in the President’s Home
Ambassador – $50, Receive your choice of 1 of 5 options of Coker University themed ornaments to hang on the President’s Tree in the President’s Home (limited amounts per ornament; first come basis
Commissioner – $100, Receive a gold or navy shatterproof glass ornament to be personalized to hang on the President’s Tree in the President’s Home. You will also receive a Davidson Hall ornament as a keepsake to take home